Act Now Bay Area

place Corte Madera, California, USA


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Act Now Bay Area promotes and supports the implementation of regional solutions to the global climate challenge.

Act Now Bay Area connects Business, Community, and Government in the nine Bay Area counties to existing climate solutions, best practices, and policy frameworks to dramatically reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and achieve ambitious 2030 climate goals in transportation, energy, and building sectors.

We see a future where concerted citizen action, strategic business leadership, and proactive government engagement have achieved the essential 2030 climate goals that will help reverse global warming and that, collaboratively, the San Francisco Bay Area has made a world of difference for future generations.

What We Do

Act Now Bay Area is leading the Regional 2030 Climate Challenge.

Act Now Bay Area is the "one-stop-shop" that helps answer everyone's question: "I'm just one person - what can I possibly do that will make a difference? I don't even know where to start!"

Climate disruption impacts all aspects of our society - health, disadvantaged communities, the economy - the list is long. This is the last decade to implement solutions that can slow global warming - but those solutions need to be implemented at speed and scale, and we believe that everyone has a part to play.


Leslie A
Leslie A.
Executive Director
Denise D
Denise D.
Marketing Director
Communications Associate