Aggregate Space Gallery

place Oakland, California, USA


Saved on 28 projects and calls

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Aggregate Space Gallery (ASG) is an exhibition and performance space dedicated to the exploration and presentation of immersive works. Our mission is to provide extensive in-house resources and expertise that enable artists to promote intellectual and tangible artworks in a public platform. We showcase video and installation artworks, films, lectures and performances by innovative regional artists and thinkers whose work ignites critical dialogue.

What We Do

At ASG, we believe that artists ask important questions of our society, often navigating the unknown with the tools they have on hand. Given the opportunity, artists can challenge common assumptions, bear witness, build community, and help our society reframe our path forward.

ASG programming stands out because of our drive to provide emerging and mid-career artists with opportunities to take great risks and, in so doing, engage viewers in new and dramatic ways.


Aggregate Space G.
Volunteer manager
Willis M
Willis M.
Board President
Shaghayegh C
Shaghayegh C.
Programming and Communications Associate