Postpartum Support Center

place San Anselmo, California, USA


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Our mission is to provide a comprehensive support system and safe place for mothers/parents and families in need and to promote awareness and prevention of Perinatal Mental Health Disorders.

What We Do

Postpartum Support Center (PPSC) is the only peer-run, peer-focused, non-profit organization in Marin and Sonoma counties whose mission is to provide a comprehensive support system and safe place for mothers/parents and families in need and to promote awareness and prevention of Perinatal Mental Health Disorders. Our vision is that mothers/parents and families have access to high-quality care, information, and resources and are well prepared for parenthood in a supportive and stigma-free community.

The Postpartum Support Center aims to help expectant and new parents navigate the perinatal period, reduce parental stress, and build effective support systems, particularly when confronted with considerable barriers to mental health treatment including long wait times and high costs.

We provide direct peer and social support, support groups, prevention program, practical help (diaper bank), information, and resources.

Through our free SupportLine and our English and Spanish-speaking support groups, we provide resources and support to women and families from all backgrounds who might otherwise be unable to access the care they need.

Working in partnership with local providers, organizations, and agencies, we aim to strengthen the support network in our community to ensure women are screened, treated, and referred throughout pregnancy and into the first five years postpartum.


Adam N.
Board Member
Ivana J
Ivana J.
Founder/Executive Director