place San Francisco, California, USA
language http://www.qwocmap.org


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QWOCMAP uses film to shatter stereotypes and bias, reveal the lived truth of inequality, address the vital, intersecting issues that concern multiple populations, and build understanding and community around art and social justice.

QWOCMAP's vision nurtures filmmakers as artist-activist leaders for social change.

What We Do

QWOCMAP creates, exhibits, and distributes high-impact films that authentically reflect the lives of queer women of color (cisgender & transgender), and gender variant and transgender people of color (of any orientation), and address the vital, intersecting social justice issues that concern our multiple communities.

In 2000, we launched our free Filmmaker Training Program with the goal to nurture LBTQ people of color filmmakers as artist-activist leaders for social justice. This award-winning program provides free, professional, artistically rigorous filmmaking workshops that equip participants with concrete technical skills, practical artistic knowledge and tangible leadership tools. It has nurtured the creation of 425 films and lead U.S. production of films by, for, and about the population we serve: African Descent/Black, Asian, Chicanx/Latinx, First Nations/Native American/ American Indian/Indigenous (Two Spirits), Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander, Southwest Asian, North African/Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, South Asian (SWANA/AMEMSA), and Mixed-Race lesbian, bisexual, queer women (cisgender and transgender), and gender nonbinary and transgender people of color (of any orientation). For 18 years, it has fostered equity in film as the only media arts organization in the nation, and the first of four in the world, that actively invests in, develops, and nurtures, the creativity and leadership of LBTQ people of color.


T.  Kebo D
T. Kebo D.
Madeleine L
Madeleine L.
Executive/Artistic Director
T. Kebo D
T. Kebo D.
Managing Director